The Lake in Georgheni Neighborhood


The Lake in Georgheni Neighborhood is the largest lake in Cluj Napoca, located at about  4 km from downtown.

As location, the lake is near the shopping center Iulius Mall, between the streets Intre Lacuri, Teodor Mihali and Sarmisegetuza.

The lake is surrounded by a walking path which allows people to walk around it.

Near the lake there is a tennis court, a Campus with Student Dormitory, Economica 2, and Iulius Mall. Vis-a-vis the lake, on Teodor Mihali there are: Faculty of Science Economics and Business Administration (FSEGA) and Dimitrie Cantemir University – Economics.

Car Access

Near the lake there is a large car park.

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GPS coordinates: 46 ° 46’26 “N 23 ° 37’29″ E


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