Salted Baths, Cojocna


Salted Baths in Cojocna are located at about 22 km from Cluj Napoca, arriving here through Apahida to Cojocna.

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Schedule of the the baths is daily from 07.00 – 19.00. They are open to the public during the summer.

The ticket price is 10 RON per person. There is parking on site and a chair is 10 RON / day.

Inside the baths can be reserved football fields and tennis fields, the prices range from  50-60 RON for the football field and 20 to 30 RON for the tennis court.

There are two salt lakes of different depths.

Water keeps you on the surface because it is salty and you do not need to know to swim.

Salted baths in Cojocna is a good alternative instead of swimming in Cluj Napoca.

Orarul la Strand(vara) este zilnic intre orele 07.00 – 19.00 , iar pretul de intrare este 10 lei.
Exista parcare in incinta, iar un sejlong este 10 lei / zi.


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