Faget Forest Cluj Napoca


It is one of the most frequented areas around the town where inhabitants of Cluj go out in the weekend.

Cluj Napoca Faget Forest is a protected natural area and a natural monument of national interest, includes oak and beech trees. The protected area is 10 ha and preserves natural species and important habitats in terms of fauna, flora and forest. It can be visited for scientific purpose, educational and recreational purpose, providing travel and leisure weekend activities in the surroudings of Cluj.

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Faget Forest can be crossed by car or bicycle on the following route: from the Zorilor Neighborhood or Buna Ziua Neighborhood, at the exit of the city towards Turda you go right at the roundabout before leaving the city on the road Faget Street. At the road junction of Fagetului street with S. Ion you turn right again and follow the winding road through the wooded area, passing the St. Ion Spring until it reaches the end of  Manastur Neighborhood on Primaverii Street. The route is about 12 Km.

For more tracks visit the section “Routes.”


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