Public transportation Cluj


The development of public transportation was stimulated by the connection into the railway circuit of the Cluj Train Station in 1870. The initial tendency of public transportation was to connect the neighborhoods of the city with the train station in Cluj.

The first means of public transportation were on railways with hipo traction, and then the traction was assured by the steam locomotives (1898).

After the first world war once with the stimulation of the social-economic activity and the significant growth of number of inhabitants (in 1920 it reaches 83.000 inhabitants), the problem of public transportation becomes severe.

In 1922, two Saurer trucks remained as a „war capture”, bought from the army and reconditioned and turned into buses, out of which one without a roof (covered with hay when it rained), solve the problem of public transportation from the bariers of Someseni (today Marasti Market) on Dorobantilor Street, city center, CFR train station.(…)

At the begining of World War II there were organised, in all, nine bus routes out of which three were temporary.(…)

The endowment with buses from internal production, same as the begining in 1959 of electric urban transportation with trolley buses from internal production meant a significant stage in the urban transportation activity in Cluj.(…)

The significant growth of the population of the city as a consequence of the industrialisation process after 1970 leads to the introduction of tram transportation in 1978.

On 01.01.1991, following the general tendency after the revolution, the factory is split into local autonomous transportation units for each municipality in the county. In Cluj Napoca is established Regia Autonomã de Transport Urban Cãlãtori.

Find out the entire history of public transportation in Cluj Napoca o the site :


R.A.T.U.C. Cluj-Napoca

Headquarter on 21 Decembrie 1989 street, no. 128-130 Cluj-Napoca

Telefon: 0264 430 919

Fax: 0264 430 931

Useful information

Travel ticket price is 3.5 Lei (2013) that includes two trips for one person or a trip for two people. Please note that tickets must be composted at boarding on buses or trolley buses, that are inserted into small hand-operated or electric appliances that pierce the end of the ticket.

Tickets can be bought from urban travel stations from ticket kiosks.

For updated ticket information, subscriptions or price reductions to the price of the tickets, follow the link:

Last departures of buses and trolley buses occur at the end of the line for each bus between 22.30-22.45 hours. For more information see link:


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