Monumentul Matei Corvin


On the pas few years, The Matei Corvin Monument was considered as the main meeting point of young people in the city. ”At the horse’s tail”, behind the statue, as it is known, the young people of Cluj Napoca meet, no matter if during the day or at night.Statuia-lui-Matei-Corvin

Located in Unirii Square, the statue is surrounded by many old buildings, dating from the 18th century, tourist attractions, places for fun, boulevards or pedestrian areas.

Short history

The Matei Corvin Monument impresses every tourist through its monumental stillness. It is designed on the southern side of St. Michael Church. It is registered on the list of UNESCO’s memorial statues, occupying the 5th place.

Work of sculptor Ioan Fadrusz and architect Pakei Lajos, it won the Great Prize at the World Exposition from Paris in 1900. The statue was reveiled in 1902, in Unirii Square.

The monument faces king Matei Corvin in an imppressive equestrian hypostasis, receiving the homage from contemporary leaders:

  • Blasiu Magyar, well known captain
  • Pavel Chinezu, ban of Timisoara
  • Stefan Zapolya, palatine of Hungary – the second man in the state and the grandfather of the future king
  • Stefan Bathory, prince of Transylvania

Attractions from the area of Matei Corvin Monument:

In front of the monument there is a generous pedestrian area (Unirii Square), where there are organised different events, and in the back of the monument there is St. Michael Church. The entire Matei Corvin Square is surrounded by old and imposing buildings.

Facing the market, on the left there is the entrance to Heroes Boulevard (former Petru Groza street), which comprises next to the Memorandum Monument, one of the buildings of the City Hall of Cluj and a pedestrian area with bicycle path. On the right, there is the intersection of Napoca street with  University street, where is located the old building of Continental Hotel. From Napoca street you can reach to the Cultural Students House or the Botanical Garden in Cluj Napoca, and from University street you can get to the main building of the Babes-Bolyai University.


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