Reasons to rent a car in Cluj Napoca, Transylvania


Even if you are a tourist who came to visit Cluj Cluj Napoca or you are from Cluj, a private car can help you to move more easily in desired areas or go on a trips to Cluj surroundings. But if you do not own a car, you can choose to rent a car for a few days of the car rental companies that you can find in Cluj. Multiple Advantages and low prices are some of the most popular reasons to rent a car. Also, you do not have to worry about insurance, hull, vignettes and service. We present you some reasons why renting a car is beneficial:

  1. Public transportation links between most neighborhoods of Cluj and taxis take you where you want quickly and safely, but if you have a rental car you can use it at any time of the day, without waiting in the transport stations or for the taxi. Thus, you will get faster to the desired places and you will know better the city, exploring it with a car on numerous side street.
  2. If you rent a car you’ll be able to do some one day or two day trips in the vicinity of Cluj. You can choose to visit the lakes of Cluj, to have a relaxing day in Turda Salt Mine, to discover the Sic Reed, Blue Laguna or Bontida Castle. We recommend exploring as much as the sights of Cluj county or you can go further and visit Deva, Alba Iulia, Sighisoara and Sibiu.
  3. Ha a személyes autó van a serviceben, és szüksége van egy autó mozogni, bérbeadás egy tökéletes lehetőség. Amíg az autó javítható, akkor továbbra is a napi tevékenységek, amelyek szükségesek egy autó.

To choose the right car for your needs consult several companies that rent cars. With a simple search on the search engines you will find many companies, among which 321RentaCar. Experience and fleet consist of new cars as Daewoo Matiz, Dacia Logan , Renault Clio Symbol, Renault Megane , Renault Megane , Ford Focus, VW Passat, BMW 3 Series makes 321 rent a car a perfect choice if you want to rent a car. The professional staff will assist you throughout the rental and will give you tips for you to have part of an enjoyable experience. Prices start at 10 euro / day, but are negotiable depending on the time of rental and car model chosen. Taking over and handing can be done from anywhere in the city of Cluj Napoca, but also from Cluj Napoca International Airport. Do not forget that a rental car can help you get a successful trip or can save you when you need to move around between different points of the city.


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